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Kerala Lottery Akshaya AK 311 Result 20.9.2017


Akshaya AK 311 Result 20.9.2017: Kerala Lottery Live Result, Akshaya Lottery AK 311 Result / 20.9.2017 Kerala Lottery Result will be published after 3.30 PM today. The Kerala lottery Akshaya AK 311 is a weekly lottery conducted by Kerala lottery department. Akshaya Lottery draw will be held on every Saturday at Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala. The Akshaya Lottery Live Result and the Sthree Sakthi AK311 PDF result will be available after 3.30 PM today.

20.9.2017 Kerala Lottery Result – Akshaya AK 311 Result


Kerala Lottery Result Today 20.09.2017

Akshaya AK 311 Lottery Result 20.9.2017

Kerala Lottery Akshaya AK 311draw will be held on 20/09/2017 at Sree Chithra Home Auditorium, Pazhavangadi, East Fort, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala at 3.30 PM.

20.9.2017 Akshaya Lottery Result, 20.9.2017 Kerala Lottery Result, Sthree Sakthi AK311 Result , Akshaya AK311

1st Prize- Rs :5,000,000/-
AE 727267 (KOTTAYAM)
Consolation Prize- Rs. 10,000/-
AA 727267 AB 727267 AC 727267 AD 727267
AF 727267 AG 727267 AH 727267 AJ 727267
AK 727267 AL 727267 AM 727267
2nd Prize- Rs :200,000/-
AA 845177 (KOLLAM)
AC 210850 (KOTTAYAM)
AD 179977 (PALAKKAD)
AE 785776 (PALAKKAD)
AF 147250 (KOTTAYAM)
AG 227035 (THRISSUR)
AJ 668797 (IDUKKI)
AL 164893 (THRISSUR)
AM 169629 (THRISSUR)
3rd Prize- Rs :100,000/-
AC 202258 (KOTTAYAM)
AF 724360 (KOLLAM)
AJ 167589 (THRISSUR)
AK 142524 (KOTTAYAM)
AL 579663 (WAYANAD)
AM 231825 (PALAKKAD)
For the Tickets ending with the following numbers
4th Prize- Rs. 5,000/-
0520 1310 3175 3542 4952
7322 8319 9560 9672
5th Prize- Rs.2,000/-
0309 1420 1483 3874 5211
6303 6595 7544 7627 8178
8197 8529
6th Prize- Rs. 1,000/-
0374 0852 0945 1535 2304
2493 3040 3146 3356 3747
3930 3946 4335 4424 4453
4897 5577 5790 6216 6448
6678 7002 7202 7343 8032
8205 8809 8826 8944 9256
9614 9657
7th Prize- Rs. 500/-
0651 0686 0784 1144 1245
1981 2459 2504 2692 3061
3211 3561 3934 4459 4642
4724 4960 5338 5410 5766
5837 6199 6637 6651 6822
6991 7139 7369 7648 7704
8320 8667 8766 8821 9020
9087 9109 9318 9438 9443
9484 9968
8th Prize- Rs. 100/-
0049 0206 0499 0505 0521
0591 0779 0947 1004 1008
1131 1139 1257 1355 1720
1814 1931 1974 2146 2216
2469 2523 2547 2788 2802
2910 2925 2928 3220 3226
3294 3657 3902 3990 4049
4377 4725 4777 4802 4840
5076 5216 5698 5808 5823
6075 6096 6101 6372 6398
6431 6550 6674 6705 6755
6803 6882 7103 7104 7178
7261 7376 7511 7532 7984
8009 8033 8235 8237 8312
8313 8454 8486 8508 8545
8633 8681 8760 8775 8865
8978 8995 9085 9474 9806

Download Akshaya Lottery result AK-311

Download Kerala Lottery Result of Akshaya

Note:The prize winners are advised to verify the winning numbers with the results published in the Kerala Government Gazatte and surrender the winning tickets within 30 days.

Kerala Lottery Live Result available after 3.30PM

Kerala Lottery official details at

Todays Kerala Lottery Result, 20/9/2017 Akshaya Result, Akshaya AK311 Result, Kerala Akshaya Result 20.9.2017, Akshaya Lottery Result 20/9/2017, Kerala Lottery Result today, Kerala Lottery 20.9.2017, AK311 Akshaya Lottery Result, Kerala Lottery Result 20/9/2017, Akshaya lottery 20/9/2017

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