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Kerala lottery Akshaya AK 554 Result 22.6.2022

Kerala Lottery Result Today

Kerala lottery 22.6.2022 Akshaya AK 554 result will be released today. 22.6.2022 Kerala lottery result, Akshaya 22.6.2022, AK 554 result is published officially.

Kerala lottery AK 554 Akshaya weekly lottery result is published. The First Prize of the Akshaya lottery is Rs: 80 lakhs.

Akshaya is one of the most famous weekly lottery in Kerala, the draw takes place in every Thursday. The first prize of the lottery is Rs: 80 lakhs, second prize is Rs 10 Lakhs and many more prizes given to the ticket holders.

Kerala lottery runs seven weekly lotteries and four bumper lotteries in Kerala state. The weekly lottery draw held on 3.00pm every day and the lottery result of Kerala lottery will be published on official web site regularly. Kerala lottery complete result can check on web site.

Click here to check the Kerala lottery Akshaya AK 554 result 20.6.2022.

The complete information on Kerala lotteries visit

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