BITSAT 2020 Admit Card, BITSAT 2020 hall ticket download,, 2020 admit card download
The BITSAT hall ticket for the academic year 2020 has been released on the official website of BITSAT. All the candidates those who have booked for the slots for the examination. The Hall ticket has been released for those candidates those who have booked the slots for the examination.
BITSAT-2020 is a Computer based online test for Admissions to Integrated First Degree Programmes of BITS Pilani Campuses in Pilani, Goa and Hyderabad. All the candidates those who have registered for the examination can get their admit card or hall ticket for the examination from the official website by using the candidates application number and password.
BITSAT 2020 Admit Card
The candidate those who have registered for the examination must download their admit card for the examination from the official website. The candidates those who are attending for the examination must bring the admit card or the hall ticket at the tome of examination.
The admit card will be containing the details mentioned below. All the candidates can go through the details mentioned below about the details mentioned in the hall ticket.
1. The name of Exam centre
2. The name of the candidates
3. The application number of the candidates
4. Course opted by the candidates
How to download BITSAT 2020 Admit Card
Candidates can download the BITSAT 2020 Admit card from the official website by using the candidates application number and password. The candidates can follow the steps mentioned below about the BITSAT 2020 Admit card How to download.
Steps to download BITSAT 2020 Admit Card
Step 1. Visit the official website
Step 2. Click on the relevant link which matches to Admit Card / Hall ticket
Step 3. Enter the required credentials
Step 4. The admit card will be displayed on the screen