Karunya KR 311 Result 16.9.2017- Kerala Lottery Result

karunya lottery

Karunya KR 311 Result 16.9.2017: Kerala Lottery Live Result, Karunya Lottery KR 311 Result / 16.9.2017 Kerala Lottery Result will be published after 3.30 PM today. The Kerala lottery Karunya KR 311 is a weekly lottery conducted by Kerala lottery department. Karunya Lottery draw will be held on every Saturday at Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala. The Karunya Lottery Live Result and the Karunya KR311 PDF result will be available after 3.30 PM today.

16.9.2017 Kerala Lottery Result – Karunya KR 311 Result


Kerala Lottery Result Today 16.09.2017

KARUNYA KR 311 Lottery Result 16.9.2017

Kerala Lottery Karunya KR 311draw will be held on 16/9/2017 at Sree Chithra Home Auditorium, Pazhavangadi, East Fort, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala at 3.30 PM.

16.9.2017 Nirmal Lottery Result, 16.9.2017 Kerala Lottery Result, Karunya KR 311 Result

1st Prize- Rs :7,500,000/-
Consolation Prize- Rs. 10,000/-
KN 437159 KO 437159 KP 437159 KR 437159
KS 437159 KT 437159 KU 437159 KV 437159
KX 437159 KY 437159 KZ 437159
2nd Prize- Rs :1,000,000/-
3rd Prize- Rs :100,000/-
KN 277885 (THRISSUR)
KP 277249 (THRISSUR)
KR 539015 (KOLLAM)
KT 744542 (KOTTAYAM)
KU 465364 (PALAKKAD)
KV 683144 (WAYANAD)
KW 379043 (KOLLAM)
KX 793998 (PALAKKAD)
KY 277266 (THRISSUR)
For the Tickets ending with the following numbers
4th Prize- Rs. 5,000/-
0090 2510 3014 5647 6478
7956 8096 8286 9950
5th Prize- Rs.2,000/-
0037 0130 1425 1746 1854
3418 5577 7227 7621 7823
8672 9274
6th Prize- Rs. 1,000/-
0508 1486 1926 2125 2157
2301 2759 3164 3438 3508
3602 3781 3783 3995 4464
4493 4980 4992 5272 6107
6157 6364 7027 7117 7796
8136 8459 9090 9208 9269
9544 9802
7th Prize- Rs. 500/-
0044 0057 0232 0292 0563
0620 0810 1400 1534 1654
2122 2155 2210 2304 2949
3403 3457 3856 3899 3957
4532 4603 4760 5156 6525
6848 6882 6982 7284 7384
7425 7569 7677 7785 8448
9222 9421 9754
8th Prize- Rs. 100/-
0293 0462 0499 0788 0839
0930 1031 1091 1127 1270
1271 1341 1462 1517 1561
1672 2331 2411 2438 2462
2520 2747 2833 3009 3038
3097 3196 3241 3430 3455
3507 3546 3658 3665 4265
4386 4813 4952 5102 5191
5240 5299 5369 5442 5474
5562 5776 5789 5808 6060
6078 6236 6255 6325 6818
6914 6942 6989 7088 7091
7126 7353 7403 7467 7726
7818 7922 8035 8148 8234
8396 8415 8437 8617 8696
8819 9149 9166 9183 9425
9562 9782

Download Karunya Lottery result KR-311

Download Kerala Lottery Result of Karunya

Note:The prize winners are advised to verify the winning numbers with the results published in the Kerala Government Gazatte and surrender the winning tickets within 30 days.

Kerala Lottery Live Result available after 3.30PM

Kerala Lottery official details at www.keralalotteries.com

Todays Kerala Lottery Result, 16/9/2017 Karunya Result, Karunya KR311 Result, Kerala Karunya Result 16.9.2017, Karunya Lottery Result 15/9/2017, Kerala Lottery Result today, Kerala Lottery 16.9.2017, KR311 Karunya Lottery Result, Kerala Lottery Result 15/9/2017

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