Kerala State District School Sasthrolsavam/Sasthramela is organized by the Department of Education,Government of Kerala. District Sasthrolsavam will be conducted in Thiruvananthapuram, Kollam, Pathanamthitta, Kottayam, Idukky, Alappuzha, Ernakulam, Thrissur, Palakkad, Malappuram, Kozhikkodu, Kannur, Wayanad and Kasaragod districts.
School Sasthramela/Sasthrolsvam 2019
School Sasthramela is conducted in schools in order to motivate creativity, inventiveness and the attitude for innovations in science and mathematics, and encourage the students on activities, experiments, technological modules etc. For this purpose sasthrolsavam is designed in five disciplines as science fair, mathematics fair, social science fair, IT fair and work experience fair. School Sasthra mela helps the students learn through interaction with nature, people and environment.
sub district/district/state School Sasthrolsavam Result 2019
School Sasthramela in Kerala state is conducted in School, Sub-District, Revenue District and State levels for Lower Primary, Primary, Secondary, Higher Secondary and Vocational Higher Secondary students under the supervision of concerned AEOs,DEOs and DDes.
District Sasthramela/Sasthrolsavam 2019-20 Results
The results of the district sasthrolsavam 2019 results will be available at