Kannur University Degree Trial aLlotment result 2017

Kannur University Degree (UG) Trial Allotment 2017- CAP Allotment

Kannur University Degree (UG) Trial Allotment 2017- CAP Allotment, Degree Trial Allotment, Kannur University Trial Allotment 2017, www.cap.kannuruniversity.ac.in, Kannur University Degree Admission Allotment 2017, Trial Allotment 2017, Check Kannur University Allotment Result , Kannur degree Trial allotment result, kannur ug cap allotment

Kannur University Degree Trial (Trial) Allotment 2017 Result for admission to ug degree courses under the Kannur University colleges will be published on June 2017. The Kannur Degree Trial Allotment Result will be available online from the university web site www.cap.kannuruniversity.ac.in.

Kannur University Trial (Trial) Allotment Result 2017

Kannur University Degree CAP Trial Allotment 2017 Published (3-6-2017).

Kannur university Degree CAP Trial allotment admission details

Kannur university Degree CAP trial allotment will be conducted to give an idea about the chances of getting an allotment to a course and college, based on the options registered and the rank of the candidate. The trial allotment does not guarantee the candidate, a seat in a College or a course. After the trial allotment candidates can change their option to get a better allotment result through CAP system.

Check Kannur University Degree Trial Allotment Result 2017

The applicant would follow these steps to get allotment result

Visit the university web site www.cap.kannuruniversity.ac.in
Login with the application number and password then submit
Find the Allotment Details.

For details of Allotment process visit: www.cap.kannuruniversity.ac.in Trial Allotment 2017

Other Titles:

Degree Admission and Allotments
ugcap 2017 Trial allotment
Kannur university admission UGCAP
Kannur University UG Degree Trial (Trial) Allotment 2017
Kannur University UG CAP Allotment 2017
Kannur university degree allotment 2017

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