Kerala LBS Paramedical Admission First Allotment Result Published

Kerala LBS Paramedical Diploma Admission 2015 for the Health Inspector, D Pharm Pharmacy and other paramedical courses under Kerala Government and Self financing institutes will be held through centralized allotment process by LBS center for science and technology, Thiruvananthapuram.

Kerala LBS Paramedical Diploma First Allotment 2015

The LSB will be published the paramedical first allotment 2015 on their web site on October 18th, 2015. All the candidates who are involved in the LBS Paramedical/DPharm/Health Inspector Rank list can check their first allotment status Online from the LBS web site . Provisional Ranklist and Collegewise allotment list will be available to check.

Those who get an allotment should remit the prescribed fee in any one of the branches of Federal Bank on 19th or 20th October 2015, failing which they will lose their current allotment as well as the eligibility for further allotments except for spot allotment.

LBS Paramedical DPharm/Health Inspector Diploma Second Allotment
Option Rearrangement for Second Allotment is up to 5.p.m. on 20-10-2015. Second Allotment will be published on 21-10-2015(Evening).

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