Kerala University Degree Second Allotment 2016, Kerala University Degree Second Allotment Result, UGCAP Allotment Result, Degree Second Allotment 2016, Kerala University Second Allotment 2016, Check Degree Second Allotment Result 2016, KU Admission 2016, Allotment details Kerala University
Kerala University Degree Second Allotment 2016 (UG CAP 2016 Allotment) Result published on The 2nd allotment result of Kerala university Degree admission can check from Kerala university web site. Students can use their application number and password to login and check their second allotment result.
The Kerala university degree admission 2016 has been conducted through the centralized allotment process CAP. The Kerala University has already published Trial Allotment and First Allotment. most of the degree candidates are allotted through the degree first allotment.
Kerala University Degree Second Allotment Result 2016 – Details
The candidates who have applied for Kerala university degree admission and still not get any allotment must have to check the second allotment result 2016. The Kerala University published the degree second allotment 2016 based on the options re-arrangements after the publication of First Allotment. This Kerala university degree second allotment used to fill up the remaining vacancy of seats in degree courses under the Kerala university affiliated colleges.
Check Kerala university 2nd allotment result
Enter the web site
Enter the Application number and password on login screen and submit
The Degree Allotment Result will be displayed
The the candidates who are allotted though this Degree Second Allotment must have to pay the admission free through SBT. The remittance challan can be downloaded from the web site after login with the application number and password. Last date to remit the fee will be 23-06-2016. If the candidate failed to remit the fee will lost their allotment. The candidates who have already paid the fee and enter the details in web site need not remit the fee again.
The candidates who are satisfied with the current allotment can cancel the higher options before 23-06-2016, 5.00 PM
Fee remittance on SBT after Allotment Result published
The admission fees for general category : Rs 1360
The admission fee for SC/ST candidates : Rs 675.
The fee must be remitted through any SBT branches.
Kerala University Admission 2016
The candidates who got allotments through first and second will be getting admission only after the publication of Degree Third Allotment Result 2016 . The allotment memo will be able to download from the university site after the Third Allotment 2016 Result.
Visit Kerala University Admission portal to get more information
Related Titles:
KU Second Allotment 2016
UG CAP Second Allotment Result 2016
2nd Allotment Result 2016, Kerala Degree Allotments
Kerala University Degree Second Allotment Result
Kerala University Second Allotment 2016